St Anne's pupils at Chester Zoo. Photo submittedSt Anne's pupils at Chester Zoo. Photo submitted
St Anne's pupils at Chester Zoo. Photo submitted

Buxton pupils enjoyed a free day out at Chester Zoo thanks to the community who helped fundraise to cover costs

A school in Buxton secured free tickets for all its pupils and staff to visit Chester Zoo and the community raised more than £2,700 to help get them there.

St Anne’s Academy had a full school visit to Chester Zoo.

The school secured the tickets from the zoo last year and spent months fundraising to cover the cost of transport including a sponsored car wash which was helped by Buxton Fire Station and a fundraising walk.

A spokesperson for the school said: “What an amazing day the whole school had at the zoo.

“A huge thank you Chester Zoo for our tickets. It was an experience the children will never forget.

“Also, a big thank you to everyone who donated money to help pay for the coaches to get us there and back safely.

"The Sponsored Stomp was a great success and we had an amazing family who raised a lot of money by doing a car wash.

“Thank you to Friends of St Annes CVA, Buxton, who ensured none of the children got lost by purchasing the high viz.

“And finally, a huge thank you to Mrs Dodd, who helped make all this happen!

“All in all, it was a fantastic day and a memory that will stay with our children forever.”

Thank you to the school for sending in the pictures – it looked like you had a great time.

A spokesperson for the school said: “What an amazing day the whole school had at the zoo.

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