So we have pulled together so great pictures going back to 1998 of the bakers and those sampling the tasty treat.
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. Who can you spot in these perfect pudding pictures?
Who can you spot in these perfect pudding pictures? Photo: Roger Nadal (Staff)
. At the show
Gill Salmon manager of the Bakewell Pudding shop puts the finishing touches to her display at Bakewell Show in 1998 Photo: Paul Ibberson
. Taking a break
Pat Coffey (right) enjoyed a traditional Bakewell pudding with Tony Gould, Managing Director of Gold. The local dessert is just one of the many delicious refreshments available at the Peak Village Outlet Shopping and Leisure Centre back in 1999 Photo: Submitted
. Piece of history
Lord Hattersley with an effigy of alleged Bakewell Pudding originator Mrs Greaves. Pictured tucking into a Bakewell pudding at the opening of a new exhibition in the town in 2000 Photo: DEAN ATKINS
. Full tray of puddings
Baker Paul Ranger with a tray of Bakewell Puddings at the Old Original Bakewell Pudding shop in 2002 Photo: Roger Nadal (Staff)
1. At the show
Gill Salmon manager of the Bakewell Pudding shop puts the finishing touches to her display at Bakewell Show in 1998 Photo: Paul Ibberson
2. Taking a break
Pat Coffey (right) enjoyed a traditional Bakewell pudding with Tony Gould, Managing Director of Gold. The local dessert is just one of the many delicious refreshments available at the Peak Village Outlet Shopping and Leisure Centre back in 1999 Photo: Submitted
3. Piece of history
Lord Hattersley with an effigy of alleged Bakewell Pudding originator Mrs Greaves. Pictured tucking into a Bakewell pudding at the opening of a new exhibition in the town in 2000 Photo: DEAN ATKINS
4. Full tray of puddings
Baker Paul Ranger with a tray of Bakewell Puddings at the Old Original Bakewell Pudding shop in 2002 Photo: Roger Nadal (Staff)