Possible frosty start to Monday morning across Derbyshire

Frost is possible.Frost is possible.
Frost is possible.
A cold and frosty start to Monday morning (December 10) across Derbyshire is expected to turn into cloudy conditions with some lingering showers.

The Met Office predicts that while the conditions may be cold and frosty to start, average temperatures will remain at around 8 degrees.

However tonight it is expected to see cold temperatures return, with a minimum temperature of -3 degrees.

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Today's weather forecast said: "A cold and frosty start across northern and eastern parts of the region, but elsewhere some lingering showers.

"These will clear as skies turn cloudier from the west, although eastern most parts will remain bright. Feeling cold despite light winds. Maximum temperature 8 °C.

"Generally turning cloudier in the west overnight, although some clear spells will remain, leading to a frosty and patchy fog. Minimum temperature -3 °C."

Moving further into the week, the forecast adds: "Rather cloudy with areas of fog at first, but brightening up at times with some sunshine developing through the day. Winds will remain light and it will feel cold. Maximum temperature 7 °C on Tuesday.

"Some uncertainty through the period Wednesday-Friday but probably mostly dry, bright and cold with overnight frost and fog. Breezy at times, especially on Thursday."

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