Thief stole spare tyre after vehicle he was in suffered a flat

A thief stole a tyre and locking wheel nut from a car after the vehicle he had been travelling in had suffered a flat.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Thursday, August 31, how Reece Comley, 19, stole the tyre and nut from a Toyota Aygo parked on Station Road, in Renishaw.

Prosecuting solicitor Lynn Bickley said: “The complainant had parked his vehicle at the rear of his address and he discovered the car boot open the following morning and the spare tyre had been stolen with the locking wheel nut.

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“No damage had been caused to the car and he could not be sure if he had left it unlocked.”

The court heard how CCTV showed two males wheeling a tyre across a garage forecourt and one of the males was identified as the defendant.

Apprentice brick-layer Comley made full admissions to the police following his arrest and he said he had been in a Renault Megane which had hit a bump and suffered a flat tyre and the vehicle had parked up at a garage forecourt.

Comley, of Elm Lane, Parson Cross, Sheffield, pleaded guilty to stealing a tyre and locking wheel nut valued at £109.49 during the incident on March 15.

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The victim stated he was concerned offenders may come back and take the rest of his wheels.

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Defence solicitor Gavin Hague said: “There was no premeditation. It was an opportunist theft after their car had broken down and he decided to take a tyre from another car.”

The probation service confirmed Comley has been subject to supervision after previously receiving a 12 month custodial sentence but he has been making excellent progress and the tyre theft appears to be a blip.

Magistrates fined Comley £120 and ordered him to pay £85 costs, a £30 victim surcharge and £109.49 in compensation.