Patrols stepped up in Derbyshire town after spate of burglaries

Police are stepping up patrols and appealing for information following a number of burglaries in Killamarsh over the past week.

Since the start of February there have been three burglaries and one attempted burglary in the area.

The most recent burglary happened sometime between 6am and 3pm on Tuesday, February 2 at a house on High Street.

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Officers say jewellery was stolen from the property during the break-in.

Other incidents have taken place on Aspen Close, Juniper Rise and Butler Way.

Patrols are being stepped up in the area and officers are encouraging residents to consider stepping up home security.

Inspector Paul Corton, who is in charge of policing in Killamarsh and across the North East Derbyshire area, said: “Enquiries are on-going and officers will be taking every possible action to pursue offenders and bring them to justice.

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“Police patrols are being stepped up and I would also urge residents to help reduce the risk of becoming a victim by making sure that they secure any doors or windows at home, fit good quality locks and to consider additional security features such as alarm systems, lighting or forensic property marking for valuables.”

Residents are advised to:

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- Ensure windows and doors are locked when you leave the house or go to bed;

- Make sure valuable items including car keys and mobile phones are not left on display and they are not easy to pick up via a door, window or letterbox;

- Consider installing a house alarm system and investing in gravel for path and driveways leading to your property so you can hear if someone is approaching;

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- Use motion-sensitive outside lighting so you can see if someone is outside during the dark nights;

- For electronic or larger items use a forensic marking fluid like SmartWater to mark your property, making it more easily identifiable to police in the event of it being stolen.

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Insp Corton added: “If you see anyone acting suspiciously in your neighbourhood, or have any information about these incidents, please let us know.”

Anyone with information should contact Derbyshire police on 101, the non-emergency number, or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.