They also take you on a tour around towns and villages in the Peak District during the seventies and eighties when big changes where taking place.
Images from our archives, Chesterfield library and Chesterfield museum. For more photos from yesteryear, visit the retro section of our website.
1. Great retro Peak district pictures
Great retro Peak district pictures from the 1970s -80s Photo: DT
2. Buxton Advertiser archive
Buxton Advertiser archive, 1981, Buxton carnival celebrates the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Di, in the background Kennings are selling petrol at £1.54 a gallon Photo: unknown
3. Buxton Advertiser archive
Buxton Advertiser archive, july 1973, Lightwood Road area floods Photo: Jason Chadwick
4. Bakewell in 1976
Picture shows shopping on Matlock Street Bakewell in 1976 Photo: Star