This week's horoscopes with Russell Grant...

Here's Russell Grant's weekly horoscopes starting Saturday September 9.

ARIES (March 21 - April 20)

Working with a talented sidekick paves the way for ultimate success. While your strength is forging new sales paths, your partner is good at maintaining a satisfied customer base. Together, you’ll reach heights you never dreamed possible. A disappointing legal decision will force you to change the way you do business. Playing by the rules will be difficult, but it’s better than incurring large fines. Don’t attract negative attention by cutting unnecessary corners.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21)

Working for reform, renewal and regeneration gives you a lasting sense of achievements. You’re tired of seeing good people marginalised because of outdated attitudes. Creating a comfortable place for outsiders to gather will be a great use of your imagination. Envision the sort of club you always wanted as a child. Funds from an inheritance, bonus or other pay-out will be delayed. You may have to rein in your expenses while waiting for this cheque to arrive.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)

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A passionate relationship brings out the best in you. It feels wonderful to have the unconditional love of someone you admire. Old emotional wounds that were inflicted during childhood will heal because of this romance. If you’re single, you’ll meet someone special through a business alliance. At work, it will be difficult to dig yourself out from a flurry of additional responsibilities. Talk to your employer about hiring additional staff; you only have two hands.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23)

Joining forces with a strong-willed, dynamic individual will help you attain an aim. Listen to your partner’s career advice; it is right on target. Until now, you’ve been reluctant to pursue the leadership positions worthy of you. Summon your courage and reach for the stars; and success will soon come your way. A fall from grace is weighing on your heart. A relative or neighbour who once thought well of you has changed their opinion. Give them some space.

LEO (July 24 - August 23)

At long last, you’re coming out of a lack lustre period. It feels wonderful to have your vitality surging back. Instead of throwing yourself back into work, rearrange your schedule to include your favourite activities. Playing sports, communing with nature and lavishing love on pets will renew your zest for living. Trying to avoid conflict will be an exercise in futility. It’s time to confront a child or romantic partner who has been acting out. Find out the source of their anger.

VIRGO (August 24 - September 23)

It’s time to start enjoying life and the fruits of your labour. Take this opportunity to express your affection for those you love. If you’re single, you might meet someone special at a movie, play or sporting event. Being pursued by such an adorable admirer will make your confidence soar. A family argument could well boil over now, putting you in an uncomfortable position. It’s time to come to the rescue of a relative who is being scapegoated.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23)

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A home improvement project will greatly increase the value of your investment. If you don’t own your own place, now is the time to buy one. If such a purchase is beyond your budget, a generous relative might give you the funds for a down payment. A creative block has been stopping you from completing a project. The best way to blast through this obstruction is to turn your attention to routine work. Everyday chores will trigger a breakthrough.

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22)

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A happy reunion with friends conjures up powerful memories. Listening to music you enjoyed when you were younger will revive a creative project. Enjoy this trip down memory lane; it will be therapeutic. Losing sight of your priorities is creating a financial drain. Review your monthly costs. If you belong to a gym that you never visit or have subscriptions you don’t use, cancel. Put the money from these expenditures into regular savings. Be resourceful.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21)

You could run a profitable business using unusual or even unwanted materials. Extending the life of these supplies isn’t just good for your bank account; it’s also benefits the environment. You’re having difficulty setting boundaries with your job. A demanding employer wants you to spend more time at the office. Unless you can enjoy your favourite hobbies, you won’t be able to perform well at work. Stop staying late and taking more shifts.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20)

There’s never been a better time to take an overseas trip. If you’re single, you’ll meet someone special while touring a country known for its natural beauty. Do you have a partner? Escaping the pressures of home will give you a fresh appreciation for your lover. Don’t panic if you lose control of a work situation. Instead of threatening people who have stepped over the line, focus on your own work. Stay calm, be productive and set a good example.

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19)

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Obey your intuition when it comes to someone you have just met. Letting down your defences with a kind, considerate person will inspire personal growth. It’s time to back down from your lone wolf routine. With the help of a loyal partner, you’ll defeat a stubborn problem. A creative project is showing signs of trouble. Don’t beat yourself up for making mistakes. By treating these errors as learning opportunities, you’ll be better equipped to succeed next time.

PISCES (February 20 - March 20)

If you’re looking for love, ask a well-connected friend to set you up with a date. This will lead to an exciting opportunity. You’ll enjoy getting to know an intelligent, hard-working person who admires your creative talent. Are you already in a relationship? Accept your partner’s offer to cover your responsibilities while you pursue a cherished dream. Avoiding professional responsibility is undermining your career success. Offer to assume new duties.

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